brightonSEO Live Blog
Being the introvert I am, my idea of fun isn’t hanging around our booth all day explaining we’ve run out of t-shirts (seriously, you need to be fast if you want swag!). So I decided to do something useful and…
Being the introvert I am, my idea of fun isn’t hanging around our booth all day explaining we’ve run out of t-shirts (seriously, you need to be fast if you want swag!). So I decided to do something useful and…
Next to the headline, the lede is everything. It must complete many tasks — hook the reader, indicate the subject matter, set the tone, etc. To help your intros live up to those weighty responsibilities, read on for real-life critiques. Post Views: 93
Who is “I” and how does that “I” have the power to change the mind in question? What actually happens is this: A person cares enough to have experiences Those experiences change the way that person sees the world After that, the “I” takes credit for it If you are brave enough to have your…
This rarely comes up in focus group data. It doesn’t come up when a school talks to students, or a conductor asks the orchestra. It doesn’t come up when the gym owner surveys potential members or when a chef or playwright thinks about building something new. But of course, that’s what we remember. That’s what…
What if I told you that your content marketing strategy is only half as effective without using graphic design? It’s like serving a gourmet meal on a trash can lid – the quality is there, but the presentation is all wrong. Imagine that you’re scrolling through your favorite online platform – what stops your thumb…
Three cataclysmic forces are shaking the search landscape – Google’s Search Generative Experience, the flood of AI content, and the growth of social search. It’s time to see the threats and figure out what to do. Here’s some help. Post Views: 130
I thought it would be cool to put together a list of articles that stood out—the ones that resonate with our community and spark ideas and inspiration for what to do next. So, here’s a roundup of our newsletter’s highlights… Read more › Post Views: 145