Whiteboard Friday Recap 2023: AI Edition
The topic of Artificial Intelligence has dominated the industry over the past year, and our Whiteboard Friday presenters in 2023 did not shy away from answering many of the questions we all have.
The topic of Artificial Intelligence has dominated the industry over the past year, and our Whiteboard Friday presenters in 2023 did not shy away from answering many of the questions we all have.
Sooner or later, we benefit from being well-published. Publishing has nothing to do with printing. It’s the act of taking risks to bring a new idea to people who want to embrace it. It’s the head of the lab who works behind the scenes to be sure the talented scientist gets a gig at the…
Don’t fall for the bad advice that scripts are for amateurs. Discover why you should write scripts for your brand’s videos, podcasts, and other presentations, and get the secrets to making them great. Post Views: 132
When I first started posting about my writing processes and marketing insights on LinkedIn, I felt exhilarated. It helped me build an engaged following over time and allowed me to share my ideas and experiences with thousands of people in my network. And the best part is, it helped me avoid the hassle and lengthy…
Principles have a priority. Isaac Asimov’s three rules of robotics were: First LawA robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. Second LawA robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. Third LawA…
I don’t know about you, but my email inbox is flooded with a barrage of automated emails. It does little else besides give me another task for my morning commute — namely, marking them all as unread without reading or unsubscribing altogether. As an email marketer, it may not seem like a good idea to…
I cringe whenever I look at how many unopened emails live in my work inbox. I’m lucky if I open maybe ten percent of them — including anything promotional. But, of those ten percent, what convinced me to open and respond to them? Those companies did below the line (BTL) marketing right. Email marketing, direct…