’Twas the Night Before Break (2023 Edition)
Ghosts from marketers’ past and present pop up again and disrupt the magic until an authentic guy appears in this Content Marketing Institute poetic tradition.
Ghosts from marketers’ past and present pop up again and disrupt the magic until an authentic guy appears in this Content Marketing Institute poetic tradition.
These are the 100 most expensive keywords on Google Ads, along with their monthly search volume and cost per click (CPC). The main reason is due to Google’s ads mechanism: Companies have to outbid each other in order to secure… Read more › Post Views: 21
The promise of inbound marketing is a lure that attracts businesses of all kinds, but many don’t understand the effort it takes to be successful. After a few blog posts, many people flame out and grumble, “We tried content marketing, but it didn’t work for us.” As a content marketer, I see the same content…
Developing content requires you to think about the audience. You use demographic data. But have you considered the personality of your audience? Exploring personality types can enhance your marketing strategy. Post Views: 128
When I first started exploring website-building options, I quickly encountered a flurry of acronyms: SEO, FTP, SERP, CDN, and CMS. It felt like learning a new language. I kept seeing ‘CMS’ pop up everywhere, so I dove deeper into understanding it. What I found was encouraging: a CMS, or content management system, is a tool…
“I don’t want to send this pitch to a list of every single podcaster in the world, but we have to get the word out.” “I don’t want to send an email to every one of our previous donors every three days until they unsubscribe, but our work is so important, it has to be…
In a We Are All Weird universe, there are two sorts of cultural disappointments. The first has been around since the dawn of cable: We don’t all watch the same thing. We don’t all talk about it, hits aren’t really hits, not like they used to be. There’s no comparison in the reach of M*A*S*H…