Decoding the Mechanics of Brand Familiarity to Future-Proof Any Brand
In this article, Giulia sprinkles a bit of cognitive science in the marketing mix to showcase how leveraging the familiarity bias can future-proof any brand.
In this article, Giulia sprinkles a bit of cognitive science in the marketing mix to showcase how leveraging the familiarity bias can future-proof any brand.
Ever heard of SQL? You may have heard about it in the context of data analysis but never thought it would apply to you as a marketer. Or, you may have thought, “That’s for the advanced data users. I could never do that.” Well, you couldn’t be more wrong. The most successful marketers are data-driven,…
AI chatbots highight a challenge that is worth understanding. It applies to customer service, bureaucracies and teachers as well… If you ask an AI a question and it’s not confident in the answer, it should say, “I’m not sure.” That could be followed up with, “do you want me to guess” or “if you could…
You’ve seen that email marketing works wonders for your business. So, you doubled down and built a massive email list. However, you’ve now hit a roadblock. You can’t send bulk emails through providers like Gmail or Outlook. Enter: Bulk email service providers. Over the years of working as an email copywriter, I have had the…
In 1970, when Walter Cronkite was narrating current events for the United States, he was 54 years old. Hitchcock made his last film when he was 77. When there’s a limited number of slots for narrators to fill, they can stick around for a long time. One of the overlooked cultural shifts of our time…
Standard job applications have a standard set of practices. You turn in a resume and cover letter, and then, if selected, you move through a few rounds of interviews and get the job. However, not all potential job opportunities start with an application. In fact, many begin with initiative from a job seeker. Those job…
I once signed up for an event and totally forgot about it in an hour. But when I opened my inbox later in the day, I found a shiny email confirming my registration for the event. This confirmation email reminded me about the event with all the necessary context. It also gave me the option…