16 B2B Social Media Marketing Strategies for Any and Every Industry [Social Media Trends Report Data]

B2B social media marketing often gets a bad rap. It’s treated like the strict school principal of business. It’s seen as boring and “unfun.” It won’t let you tell jokes, talk to your friends on social media, or break with tradition. (And it certainly wouldn’t let you chew gum in class if it could.) However,…

Visual Storytelling: 10 Stunning Examples to Inspire You

Before becoming a marketer, I was a journalist who loved the opportunity to tell stories about my community and share perspectives that would otherwise go unnoticed. When I left the journalism business, I thought my storytelling days were over; however, visual storytelling is critical in the marketing world. Visual storytelling allows brands to connect with…

Embodied energy

It might only cost $2 in the vending machine, but that can of soda is a complicated battery. It stores the energy of the machines that were used to mine the bauxite, the ship that brought the ore to Iceland, the astonishing temperatures used to create the aluminum, then more shipping, more processing, more handling,…