How To Manage Old Content on a News Website
Managing old news content? Learn proven strategies to update, archive, or remove articles to boost SEO, streamline performance, and maintain site authority.
Managing old news content? Learn proven strategies to update, archive, or remove articles to boost SEO, streamline performance, and maintain site authority.
Do your content marketing peers use terms that aren’t familiar to you? Do you know the difference between a content marketing strategy, content strategy, and content mission? Read on and bookmark this go-to glossary. Post Views: 113
You’ve heard it before — forms are the gold standard for capturing leads, tracking industry trends, or gathering customer feedback. But to create that conversion or feedback, you need a form builder tool. I’ve reviewed the 11 best online form builders so you can find the best one that fits your needs. I’ve used forms…
In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, Tanvir covers how to implement international SEO strategies on your site and how to successfully report on their effectiveness. Post Views: 81
Gantt charts. Love ‘em, hate ‘em, or can’t live without ‘em, they’re a reality of a marketer’s life. But how do you make yours stand out from the rest? Below, you’ll see some of the best examples around, along with some free templates to get you started. Dive in below and find your favorite Table…
You might be both. In big organizations, project management is a distinct skill. It involves timekeeping, record keeping and organization. The project manager knows the budget and the deadline, and ensures that constituents stay in sync. This is the construction coordinator and the movie producer. The product manager, on the other hand, makes decisions about…
If you want to be a great painter, perhaps you could reverse engineer what made the Mona Lisa such an important painting. You could move to Italy. You could learn about shadows and light and technique. The problem is that the Mona Lisa isn’t the most famous painting in the world because of all of…