Important problems

Some problems are easy to solve, others are difficult, requiring a lot more labor, willpower, resources and coordination. Some problems have simple solutions, while others are complex in what it takes to move forward. The trivial problems are fun. They’re simple to solve and don’t require much effort. Yes, please, go solve them. We’re tempted…

‘Not Your Mom’s Facebook’ — Is It Enough to Attract Gen Z?

Welcome to The Perspective, a series where HubSpotters weigh in on the latest business and marketing trends. “We are not your mom’s Facebook.” This bold statement was passed around at Facebook’s event for younger creators in NYC earlier this summer. As the social giant turns 20 this year, they know a big chunk of their…

Full circle with myopia

In 1983, an old article from the Harvard Business Review changed my life. In 1960, Ted Levitt, a professor at HBS, wrote the most popular article in the Review’s history. Called Marketing Myopia, it described a different way of thinking about change and marketing. I was a (very) young MBA student at Stanford and somehow…

Thoughts on audiobooks

I’m listening more than reading these days, and I find that a good audiobook can make a real impact on the way I absorb and learn from a book. It’s a once in a century sort of shift in this medium. My new book is now available in audio. It’s not on Audible, at least…

Stop Sending Boring Newsletters: Lessons from MKT1’s Emily Kramer

“An obsession with quality” is what I wish 12-year-old me had… but alas, I ended up with boatloads of Forever 21 T-shirts.  As it turns out, quality really does matter. Our master today — Emily Kramer, a marketer, investor, and advisor for B2B growth-stage startups (and MKT1 newsletter creator) — told me her “obsession with…