A Little More Love for Local Business FAQs
Be intentional when crafting your local business FAQ pages. A little more love for FAQs is worth the time, and the effort it takes to provide valuable insights for your team.
Be intentional when crafting your local business FAQ pages. A little more love for FAQs is worth the time, and the effort it takes to provide valuable insights for your team.
It was an interesting year to be a marketer. Expectations were high, budgets were low, content moved at the speed of light, and marketers had to make magic happen through it all. As 2023 comes to a close, I polled the HubSpot Media Team to see what their favorite marketing campaigns of the year were….
But we hesitate to be the connector. Everyone wants to be trusted, but we hesitate to trust. And everyone wants to be respected, but we often fail to offer our respect. What an opportunity. Post Views: 128
If we take a big enough dataset… Add to it machine learning and autotune and the race to fit in and reach the masses… We end up with a relentless march toward mediocrity. Mediocre is another word for average. It has always happened as industries matured (whether it’s Motown or blenders). But then, often, a…
Semrush made a bold move by acquiring Third Door Media — home to Search Engine Land, MarTech, and more. With built-in events and valuable audiences, Semrush sees a future in owned media. Will others follow? Post Views: 50
While day-to-day PR reports get into the nitty gritty of media monitoring, periodic reviews and campaign washups take a step back, looking at wider context, learnings, and next steps. Let’s get into examples of both… Here are five real-world PR… Read more › Post Views: 46
Apologizing is hard. Apologizing professionally for a mistake you made at work? Even more challenging. We’ve all had to write an apology email at some point in our careers — whether to a coworker for missing a deadline, to a manager for making an error in a report, or to a customer for delayed shipping….