7 Content Examples Worth Savoring on Thanksgiving
Dig into this surprising and award-winning content smorgasbord. It’s got gin, Ryan Reynolds, vegan mayo, Oscar the Grouch, and more to delight and inspire your content taste buds.
Dig into this surprising and award-winning content smorgasbord. It’s got gin, Ryan Reynolds, vegan mayo, Oscar the Grouch, and more to delight and inspire your content taste buds.
Here’s a confession: If someone asked me how I was able to land two of the most exciting full-time marketing roles in my career, my first instinct would have been to say that I was just “lucky.” A second later, though, I’d be much fairer to myself and admit that I was able to make…
Long story short: They aren’t. The experiment Here’s what I did: A total of 15 people took the poll. Here are the results: The premium prompts only convincingly “beat” the simple prompt for two tasks. Considering that you’ll need to… Read more › Post Views: 123
In this Whiteboard Friday, Jon discusses how to identify, fix, and prevent cannibalization. He identifies three specific types of cannibalization: internal, international, and subdomain. Post Views: 22
Don’t fall for the bad advice that scripts are for amateurs. Discover why you should write scripts for your brand’s videos, podcasts, and other presentations, and get the secrets to making them great. Post Views: 126
Where’s your permit? Who said you could try to solve this problem? I don’t get it… That’s too original. It’s not original enough. You missed a comma. That’s not funny. That’s been done before. That’s never been done before. It’s not your best work. None of us are authorized to solve interesting problems. And there…
Two of the building blocks of a resilient society. And the opposite of the lazy shortcut. The meanings of both clauses change over time… Play fair: Everyone gets an opportunity to participate, from the very beginning Leave your campsite cleaner than you found it Take responsibility for the effects and side effects of your work…