Foundering or floundering?

Floundering is flopping around and making little progress. A Dutch word for getting mired and lost. Foundering is what we call it when the ship goes down. It’s an ancient French word based on bottom. Too often, in our desperate attempt to not founder, we flounder. Better, I think, to go down with energy and…

Confused about good

How often do we assume that popular things are good, and that good things become popular? If your work doesn’t catch on, does that mean it wasn’t good? In almost every field, people with insight, taste and experience admire and emulate good things that aren’t popular, and are surprised by popular things that aren’t good….

Designing an Event Marketing Budget? Here’s What Experts Recommend

The year I turned 30, I started a new job. The role was a management position and carried strategic responsibility for marketing, communications and PR — all things I was excited about. Also tucked in the job description? Event planning for a festival and various smaller events. I didn’t know it yet, but I was…

Moving toward ease

“Ease” isn’t the same as “easy.” In fact, they’re often at odds. Easy work is hardly worth our effort. It can deaden us instead of giving us the chance to bring our best selves to life. Ease, on the other hand, is the feeling of doing something worthwhile, and doing it well. When we choose…

AI Conversion Rate Optimization: How AI Is Transforming CRO Strategies

The future of conversion rate optimization is here — and it’s driven by AI. From personalized video to scalable email outreach, learn how to maximize conversions with AI CRO. If Kieran and I were to invest our marketing budget anywhere in the next 6-12 months, it would be in AI Conversion Rate Optimization (AI CRO)….

AI in Graphic Design: The Pros, Cons and What it Means for Designers [+ Expert Insight]

Several months ago, I tested several AI logo generators and documented my experience. Then my friend Michael Randall, a graphic designer, read the post, and I‘ll just say he wasn’t thrilled about it. “[Expletive] logo generators? We’re doomed,” were his exact words. I ended that blog post by clarifying that businesses should use actual graphic…