I Tested the 5 Best Free Social Media Monitoring Tools — Here’s How They Stack Up

In business, reputation is everything. It can decide whether someone gives you their attention or, even more significantly, their sale. However, with more than 5 billion people worldwide using social media to produce a constant flow of information, interaction, and opinions across dozens of platforms, reputations are harder than ever to maintain. That’s why free…

Broken (and not worth fixing)

In one corner of the parking garage near my office, car satellite radio doesn’t work. This is clearly broken, but it’s also not a problem. Certainly not a problem worth anyone’s attention when there are so many other problems to be addressed. Problems, by definition, can be fixed. But they might not be worth the…

A thoughtful review

Thanks to Francis Wade for emailing me this review of THIS IS STRATEGY. Francis works in strategy, and I’m so delighted the book resonated the way it did. Case: You are a corporate strategic planner – someone immersed in defining a future for your organization. But lately, you haven’t been challenged to think differently. Keep…

What Are Brand Identity Elements?

Close your eyes and imagine the Starbucks siren logo in a bright HubSpot orange. At best, it’s jarring; at worst, it renders the logo unrecognizable. That’s because the Starbucks logo isn’t just about the distinctive siren graphic, or the particular shade of green, or its round shape. Each of these elements works together to make…