The Top 3 Reasons Consumers Read Blogs & How to Attract Them in 2024 [New Data]

Including blogging as a part of your marketing strategy could bring you more customers. According to our State of Marketing report, blogs are among the top three marketing channels that deliver the highest ROI. But knowing that blogging can boost your credibility, SEO, leads, and revenue is not enough. Uncovering why people read blogs is…

PW1: Two hats for productivity

Welcome to 2024. Back to work, here we go. So it’s Productivity Week on the blog. Productivity is the measure of the output (value) we get for the time or money we spend. Two hats for productivity: When I’m clearing my inbox, responding to comments in a doc, cooking lunch–these are chores. Chores are the…

How Media Leaders Will Make AI Work in 2024, from HubSpot’s VP of Media

Just before the holidays I had a chat with HubSpot’s VP of Media, Jonathan Hunt. Jonathan’s a badass innovator who’s led marketing and audience growth for a long list of cool media organizations, from Complex Networks and National Geographic to Vox Media and VICE. So naturally I was curious where he sees the media business…

On choosing a college

For some fortunate 17 year olds, the end of the year is the day for a momentous decision, one that’s largely out of the comfort zone of a 17 year old. A four-year college education in the US can cost nearly half a million dollars once we count the expenses and foregone opportunities that go…