Curation (vs the road to junk)

The independent bookstore down the street is carefully curated. Each book takes up the spot that a different book could inhabit, so the owner makes sure that there’s a great reason a title is included. Amazon, on the other hand, has no shelf space problem, and the Kindle multiplies it. As a result, the average…

The HubSpot Blog’s 2024 Social Media Marketing Report: Data from 1400+ Global Marketers

As the resident social media and content creation expert for the HubSpot blog, I know a thing or two about social media marketing. And one of those things is that the social media marketing landscape is constantly evolving. Fortunately, I can lend my expertise — and that of the 1,460 marketing professionals HubSpot recently surveyed…

Holding on for dear life

That’s a cliche from the movies. Dangling from a railroad bridge, only determination and firm grip can save the hero. In our modern world, we often end up holding on to ideas, to grievances or to our view of the world. Ironically, the harder we hold on to the things we’re hiding from, the less…

How to Create a Great Social Media Strategy in 2024 (+New Data)

Creating social media strategies can be overwhelming, especially when you’re just launching your brand or just building your online presence for the first time. So many channels, features, tools, and products available – but so little time to fit them all into your marketing strategy. If you don’t have a full-time team of social media…