How to Create an SEO Strategy for 2024 [Template Included]

Here‘s a cliche among digital marketers: Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t what it used to be. Here‘s a true statement you don’t hear as often: Your SEO strategy shouldn’t focus on keywords. These days, most businesses understand the basic concepts of SEO and why it’s important. However,  when developing and executing a sound SEO strategy for…

What is a Letter of Intent? How to Write One for a Job [+ Examples]

Standard job applications have a standard set of practices. You turn in a resume and cover letter, and then, if selected, you move through a few rounds of interviews and get the job. However, not all potential job opportunities start with an application. In fact, many begin with initiative from a job seeker. Those job…

How To Create An Infographic In PowerPoint [+Free Templates]

As a former digital journalist and current content creator for HubSpot, I’ve been designing graphics for years, including breaking news graphics, funny memes, and, most importantly — infographics. Though I prefer to design graphics in Canva, I will show you how to create an infographic in PowerPoint since it’s a presentation program that most marketers…