Why Every CMO Needs to Know Their Search TAM

As ad costs have exploded in the last year, founders and CMOs are seeking alternatives to paid acquisition. HubSpot recognized the value of organic search early, enabling our growth alongside the expanding search landscape. While AI-powered search experiences are reshaping the search landscape, we’re still firm believers in search. To vet whether organic search is…

The Ultimate Podcast Launch Checklist To Finally Get Your Show Up and Running

Want to launch your own podcast (or a podcast for your company) but don’t know where to start? I’ve put together a podcast launch checklist you can use to get your project up and running, along with tips gathered from my personal experience and insights from members of the HubSpot Podcast Network. Let’s rewind before…

Complaints are a gift

It’s easy to see a complaint as simple whining, the narcissistic impatience of someone who has enough insulation from the real world that they can share their dissatisfaction over just about anything. But a complaint unheard gives us no way to improve. In our current medical system, doctors can seek to minimize complaints, to explain…

How to Create the Best PowerPoint Presentations [Examples & Templates]

Creating the best PowerPoint presentation isn’t just about slapping facts and figures together or dazzling with snazzy graphics — it’s an art form. During my time at HubSpot, I created a lot of presentations. Since then, I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the PowerPoints desperately crying for a makeover. I’ve learned that the secret…