Which AI Tool Writes the Best Marketing Copy? [I Tested Several Different Tools]

As a marketing copywriter, I can tell you writing is critical to any successful marketing campaign, from emails to social media posts to blogs. Even the most seasoned writer can struggle to keep up with demand, so its crucial to take advantage of the best AI copywriting tools available to streamline your process and boost…

How to Write an Effective Communication Plan [+ Template]

Guess what’s common among the top organizations like Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon? An effective communication plan. Be it the content strategy, a product launch, a campaign announcement, or a customer escalation, a robust communication strategy holds every part of your organization firmly. A survey by The State of Business Communication revealed that 72% of business…

How to Manage Your Entire Marketing Budget [Free Budget Planner Templates]

The words “marketing budget” might strike fear into the heart of any marketing leader, but it’s non-negotiable when creating a marketing strategy for your company. In fact, when budgeting season rolls around, I hunker down. I know that the budget I set affects what my team can accomplish and our value to the company. Without…