Personality Content: Strategies for Creating AI-Proof Content

If you rely on SEO and information-based content to grow your audience, it’s time to rethink your approach with personality content. Informational content used to be the go-to method for building brand awareness and driving growth. And it was a pretty simple process: rank for key search terms, attract web traffic, and convert leads. But…

Maximizing Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) — Here’s What Experts Have to Say

In the paid acquisition world, clicks on your ads can seem like the holy grail. But you need a better way to measure your content’s converting capabilities than just clicks — enter, cost per acquisition. If you really think about it, clicks only tell you if people arrive at your content. And as much as…

Screenwriting Techniques for Marketers: Defining Your Customer’s Problem

Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. For the past ten years, I’ve been using Hollywood screenwriting techniques to help companies create powerful marketing stories. I’ve seen firsthand how powerful storytelling can be in transforming a company’s messaging. Before we keep…

6 marketing takeaways from Longlegs’ campaign of terror

Mid-June, 2024. A full page of indecipherable glyphs runs in The Seattle Times, with the only clue a typewritten-style note at the bottom: “Printed at the request of LONGLEGS.” A week later, a user named Mr_Downstairs leaves strings of glyphs in the comments on Letterboxd. Image Source Billboards pop up; a partially obscured face peers…

Wearing the costume

There’s a huge difference between carrying a stethoscope and being a doctor. And being a clown requires far more than getting a clown suit. Entrepreneurs with business cards, slick websites and mission statements are confused. That’s not the hard part. If the costume puts you in the right frame of mind, that’s great. But the…

Running a Website Audit? I Talked to SEO Pros to Help You Make the Most of It

As a content marketer, a website audit is vital to my work. An analogy I like to use is that optimizing an existing website for search engines without conducting a thorough audit is akin to steering a boat without a rudder. It’s directionless, at the mercy of the wind and waves (or in this case,…