Consumers Care About Brand Values: How To Communicate Them in a Way That Wins

Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. As an inclusive marketing strategist and consultant, one of the things I talk about consistently with my clients is brand values. Many of them want to win over a bigger and more diverse customer base, but I…

How Consumers Responded to Black Friday Campaigns in 2024 [+ Holiday Marketing Tips]

I’m much more the “spend Black Friday at home in my pajamas” type, but I have a few family members who for some reason enjoy getting up at 4 a.m. to wait in lines for doorbuster deals. Online or in-store, consumer or marketer, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are formidable forces. HubSpot polled 250+ people…

The problem with shock design

If attention is what you seek and attention is what you measure, it’s likely you’ll create drama. And drama is inherently short-lived. The managing director of Jaguar said, “We’ve certainly gathered an awful lot of attention over the last few weeks.” Choosing the word “awful” was appropriate. Here’s the design that made Jaguar iconic: Sixty…

The Content Marketer’s Guide to Thought Leadership [+ Inspiring Examples & Expert Tips]

I think most people in marketing aim to become thought leaders one day. You show that you know your stuff and can teach and inspire others. But that kind of status comes with experience, hard work, and a genuine desire to grow. You need to share your knowledge consistently, prove you’re an expert (not just…

Who owns your words?

There are many ways to ask and answer this question. Authorship used to be rare, but now, all of us write something. If you’re putting your words on a social media platform, you might be surprised to discover that they could disappear at any moment. Some platforms acknowledge that they own the relationship you think…

A Data-Backed Guide to Newsletter Content Strategy: 17 Formats & Topics Driving ROI for Hundreds of Newsletter Creators

Newsletters are having a moment. My inbox is near saturation point, and I still keep discovering more newsletters I want to subscribe to. Based on a survey of 500+ newsletter operators and a handful of interviews with experts, I am sure of at least one thing: Newsletters aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. If you want…