Sincerity is expected

Well, not always. That’s why it’s so important. We don’t expect an actor to tell the truth. That’s their job. Musicians and other performers are playing a role. And social niceties encourage us to put on a smile and share appreciation, even in situations where it might not be fully honest. On the other hand,…

Holistic Marketing Works — Here’s How You Can Apply It to Your Campaigns [+ Expert Tips]

When I graduated with a marketing degree over a decade ago, I hit the scene thinking that marketing would always be its own thing. Something like “holistic marketing” seemed unnecessary to me. Marketers had their swim lane; I’d stick to mine. Now, when I lecture marketing students at my alma mater, I couldn’t imagine not…

Take good notes

Facts are important, but facts don’t create learning. Stories do. A story fits into (and changes) our understanding of the world. Good teachers are storytellers, and storytellers are teachers. Notes, then, aren’t recitations of facts. They’re story prompts. A good note reminds you of a story that you already understand.

3 Missteps with AI Image Generation and How You Should Be Using Them

For marketers, AI-generated imagery tools open up new possibilities for content personalization and campaign engagement…but only when applied in strategic, targeted ways. AI-generated imagery platforms like Flux, Runway, and DALL-E are becoming a valuable part of marketing, design, and UX toolkits. But with all the options available, it’s sometimes difficult to understand where and how…

What’s Below the Line Marketing Anyway? I Dove Deep Into BTL Marketing to Find Out

I cringe whenever I look at how many unopened emails live in my work inbox. I’m lucky if I open maybe ten percent of them — including anything promotional. But, of those ten percent, what convinced me to open and respond to them? Those companies did below the line (BTL) marketing right. Email marketing, direct…