How Content Audits Help The HubSpot Blog Age Backwards — A Peek Into Our Process

In 2023, my team and I began working on perhaps one of the most ambitious content audits ever conducted on the HubSpot Blog. We’ve run content audits in the past — but not like this. We ran the audit in three phases: Phase 1 addressed our oldest content. Phase 2 evaluated our lowest-performing content. Phase…

B2B Newsletter Marketing: How It Differs From Email Promotions & What Brands Can Learn from Independent Producers

If you’re like me, you only open a small fraction of the (dozens? hundreds?) email newsletters you’ve subscribed to. So I set out to find what those really good newsletters, the ones you open on the regular, have in common. Email newsletters have been floating around in the zeitgeist for some time now, especially as…

Holiday Marketing: 27 Steps, Tips, & Examples to Get Your Brand in the Spirit

You know how I know I’m in the right field? While most people are excited about holiday decorations, foods, music, parties, and deals this time of year, I’m excited about — holiday marketing.   Holiday campaigns are arguably your brand’s biggest chance of the year to get creative and connect with your audience on a…

Is there a market(place)?

Not all needs have a market (yet). A market is a category. A market is a place with competition. In a market, people have habits and budgets and social pressure to engage. There are buyers and sellers. In many cultures, there’s a market for all the items that go with a quinceanera, a birthday party…

Comfortable with the fuzziness

Atmospheric conditions on Earth limit visibility on a perfect day to less than 200 miles. Time works the same way. When we’re doing the same thing, in the same way, our perception of what will happen next can feel crystal clear. Plant some apple seeds in your backyard, and you’re pretty sure you’ll have an…

Toward better

In our work to make things better, it’s easy to overlook two things: Improvements, connection and possibility rarely come down in a lightning bolt from Mt. Olympus. Instead, they’re the product of the grass roots, of small groups of people finding opportunities and keeping promises. Better happens incrementally. The first steps aren’t dramatic, and in…

12 Web Design Best Practices & Guidelines for Usability in 2025 [+ Expert Tips]

I used to be a content writer for a small web design agency, and my first piece was about website design best practices. I remember my manager going through it and telling me, “All good, but web design isn’t just about making things look good.” Back then, I was young and fresh, and honestly, that…