The question book

In the old days, companies had a suggestion box. It was immortalized in cartoons, but the idea that an employee could anonymously submit a suggestion to make things better is a first step in engagement. Some companies took this much further and paid employees for suggestions that generated profits. Digital communication and more open workplaces…

25 Healthcare Email Examples and Templates I Love (For Your Inspiration)

Many brands use email marketing for lead nurturing, relationship building, and customer acquisition. Healthcare brands are not an exception. While recent statistics put email ROI at $36 for every dollar spent, knowing how to craft your healthcare email is key to unlocking this monetary value. I’ll share 15 of my favorite healthcare emails in this…

The leap

In action movies, there’s a lot of leaping. Brave shifts in which the hero gets from here to there, all at once. It’s easy to imagine that sudden leaps are how we make our impact. This is blog post #9000 (give or take). When did the leap happen? It wasn’t an external leap. The first…