230 ChatGPT Prompts Marketers Should Use

ChatGPT is generating a lot of buzz in the marketing industry, and if you‘re a marketer, you’re probably wondering how to use the technology to its full potential.

Fortunately, I’ve compiled a list of 190 prompts to enter into ChatGPT to take the guesswork out of figuring out how to use the AI.

If you‘re unfamiliar with ChatGPT, here’s what you need to know.

What is ChatGPT?

65 ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing

How to Use These Marketing ChatGPT Prompts

25 ChatGPT Prompts for Business

27 ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation and Social Media

9 ChatGPT Prompts for Analytics

25 ChatGPT Prompts for Email Campaigns

25 ChatGPT Prompts for Resume

11 ChatGPT Prompts for Ecommerce

23 ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Service

20 ChatGPT Prompts for Sales

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a publicly accessible tool owned by OpenAI. It uses natural language processing to pull information from around the web to answer search queries and fulfill content requests.

ChatGPT’s answers are original and have not been copied and pasted from the web.

Aside from a paid subscription version called ChatGPT Plus, the tool is free.

ChatGPT is one of the latest developments in AI tools. Suppose you‘re looking for other ways to integrate AI into your marketing workflow.

In that case, you may be interested in HubSpot’s suite of generative AI tools to help you ideate, create, and share remarkable content quickly and efficiently.

Now, let’s get into the wide range of prompts you can use to get the most out of ChatGPT.

65 ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing

“List [number] ideas for blog posts about [topic].”
“Write a minute-long advertisement script about [product, service, or company].”
“Create a three-month social media campaign calendar for our product to [insert goal] and mention the channels we should focus on.”
“List [number] viral Instagram Reels ideas about [company, product, or service].”
“Generate [number] of viral TikTok ideas about [company, product, or service].”
“Create three call-to-action button ideas based on the contents of this blog post.” Then, paste in the content.
“Create an advertising campaign about [company, product, or service] targeting [target audience]. Include key messages and slogans and choose the best media channels for promotions.”
“Write [number] Google Ad headlines from [URL].”
“List common challenges faced by [buyer persona description].”
“List the key marketing segments in [industry]. Which segment has the biggest opportunity for our [company, group, organization, business]?”
“Write marketing copy to make my marketing emails more engaging. The copy must be about our [product, service, or company].”
“Write an email subject line convincing potential customers to switch our service.”
“What are 10 main points crucial to marketers trying to acquire new customers?”
“Generate an AIDA for [product or service].”
“Write five tweets to generate interest in [product, company, or service].”
“Write a promotional LinkedIn post about [product or service].”
“Write three seconds of Facebook Ad copy about [product or service].”
“Write a press release about our upcoming event. Include the event’s date, time, location, and purpose.” Make sure to give ChatGPT the necessary details.
“Generate five different YouTube descriptions for our video about [topic].”
“Generate questions for a Facebook poll about [topic].
“What marketing channels have the highest ROI?”
“List ways to market my brand on TikTok.”
“How can influencer marketing generate leads?”
“What marketing tactics should I leverage to reach my target audience.” Make sure to describe your target audience.
“What marketing channels have the lowest ROI?”
“This email is to [audience]. Please rewrite it with [another audience] in mind. Their pain points are [pain points.] Be sure to keep the tone similar.” Then, paste into the email.
“Take this blog post and turn it into 10 Twitter posts and four LinkedIn posts.” Then, paste in the blog post.
“Turn this LinkedIn post into an email to [audience].” Paste in post content.
“How can I turn this blog post into an infographic. Please give me an outline.” Then, paste in the blog post content.
“I’m writing an email about [topic] to [audience]. Give me five key talking points.”
“I need to A/B test subject lines for this email. Give me 10 subject line ideas and 10 pre-headers.” Then, paste in the email. 
“What are the biggest pain points of [audience] in [industry]?”
“I am a [title] in a [describe company] that sells [product/service type]. We market to [audience] whose pain points are [list pain points]. What objections are they likely to have?”
“Give me 5 blog titles for a post about [insert subject] for [audience].”
“Write a 30-second script for an explainer video about [product] that [what the product does.]
“Here’s a 30-second explainer video script for our [product] that [what the product does] for [audience type]. Please give me a list of some of the different shots or animations I should include.” Paste in the script.
“Here’s our latest whitepaper. We primarily market using [channels]. Give me at least 15 ideas for how we can repurpose this and turn it into a multichannel campaign.” Then, upload the whitepaper.
“We’re a [type of company] launching a new [what you’re launching] in three months and need to start building out the runway. Our audience is [describe audience]. Give me an outline for what we need to do for a successful launch.”
“Here’s our launch outline. Please create a marketing calendar for the different stages and milestones we’ll need to reach.” Then, upload the launch outline.
“We goofed. [Describe what happened.] Give me an outline for an email and social media posts to explain what happened, apologize, and share what we’re doing to fix it.”
“These are our three strategic priorities for this year [list them]. What are some KPIs to consider as we measure success?”
“These are our three strategic priorities for this year [list them]. What tactics can we use to reach these goals?”
“Here’s a transcript of me talking about my onboarding process. Please help me outline a document I can share with clients to communicate it to them.”
“I’m creating a re-engagement campaign. Give me six ideas for emails I can send to re-engage people who haven’t opened an email in the last nine months.”
“My company is known for [value prop]. Give me 10 blog post ideas that can communicate this to our audience.”
“My company is known for [value prop]. What are four ways I can communicate this expertise in our proposals?”
“Most of my business comes from referrals. Help me create referral language I can give to past clients and referral partners that make it easy for them to send me business. I need three versions: 1. a single sentence; 2. an email; and 3. a social media post.”
“I need to get more reviews. Please help me create a campaign that asks clients for referrals.”
“Help me write a script for a 30-minute workshop on what parents need to know about helping their kids get scholarships.”
“Here’s my script for my upcoming training. Help me turn it into a checklist I can use as a free giveaway.” Then, upload the script.
“Here are the five key takeaways for this webinar I’m teaching. [List the takeaways.] Help me turn it into a marketing outline to get people to come to the webinar.”
“I need to create a sales sequence for the people who attend my webinar. Please give me an outline for those emails so I can convert them.”
“Give me six headline ideas for a landing page about [product name] for [audience].”
“Write a conclusion for my blog post.” Then, paste in the blog post.
“Help me write a creative brief for developing a new logo so I can hand it over to my designer.”
“Here’s a transcript from a recent call about client experience. Please use it to outline two blog posts: one focused on benefits to clients, the other focused on teaching other people in my industry about the importance of building a client experience.” Upload the transcript.
“What’s another way to say “feeling the pressure”? Give me email subject lines for [audience] that speak to those pain points.”
“Help me plan a photo and video shoot for a hot tub and sauna company that emphasizes the lifestyle.”
“Help me write an email to potential clients that draws parallels between March Madness and home building and urges them to contact us for a consult.”
“Give me some playful marketing language for a May email and social media campaign for a gardening store that’s tied into seasonality. I’d like five campaign ideas.”
“I’m creating a new coaching offer targeted to online businesses. Here are details on the program [insert details]. Please give me 10 name and tagline ideas.”
“We’re closing our showroom for a few weeks due to a family medical emergency. Please give me some copy for emails, a door sign, and social media posts to communicate this.”
“Here are our current mission and values statements [insert statements]. Help me develop four ideas for messaging I can use to bring this into our marketing campaigns and operational communications.”
“You’re an HR professional stressing out about employee turnover who feels like you’re going through the motions. What are 10 of your biggest pain points?”
“You often hear ‘it will calm down next week’ from your clients. What are 10 other things that busy and burned-out people might say? Please also outline how a [describe your company] can help them solve each of these problems.”

Once you have all the ideas, need help putting them together? HubSpot’s FREE AI Email Writer makes it easy to generate more emails in less time. Try it here.

How to Use These Marketing ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT is a fantastic tool, but it’s just that, a tool. So, like any tool, to use it effectively, you have to understand how it works and what you can do. Here are six tips for making these marketing ChatGPT prompts work for you.


1. Understand what kind of output you want.

Garbage in, garbage out definitely applies here. So before you even dive into any of these prompts, make sure you have a good understanding of what it is you even want to accomplish.

If, for example, you’re asking it to create a landing page, make sure you know what a good landing page should look like so you can be hyper-clear in the beginning. You can also be clear in your feedback to ChatGPT as you refine its responses.

2. Give it a job.

Make sure the ChatGPT knows what its role is and what you’re trying to create. Tell it, “You’re an expert ____ (role) creating a _____ (what you’re creating) for your audience of (describe audience).”

I’ve found that this approach provides the context and helps get the output you want. What’s more, because you understand the kind of output you want (step one), you can better describe the job you want ChatGPT to do.

3. Offer as much detail as you can.

When I say be as detailed as possible, I mean go overboard here. ChatGPT is a robot, a smart robot, but a robot. You have to spell out what you’re looking for. Things I always recommend people consider:

Any messaging or tone of voice guidelines.
Information you have about your target audience.
Specific outcomes you want it to provide, like “I need X versions of this headline or subject line.”
Anything you might include if you were tasking this to a team member.

Don’t be afraid to ask ChatGPT if there’s any additional information it needs. If anything seems missing, you can always add details later OR go back to the drawing board and start over.

If you’re providing a lot of information and hitting enter multiple times, consider including a note at the end, “Please don’t start yet. I’m dropping more information next. Please just say, ‘Got it,’ and I’ll add the next bit of information.”

4. Get granular and specific.

Ask questions that get right to the point. Don’t be generic here. Instead of asking, “What marketing tactics should I consider?” try a query that’s more specific.

You might consider saying, “My audience of _____ (describe your audience) has responded well to messages and campaigns about how to solve XYZ problem. My company does ______ (explain your value prop). What are some related ideas I could try?”

Let’s try another example. Granted, this isn’t marketing-focused, but it gives you an idea of the specificity.

“Give me a kid-friendly meal plan for five days” will give you five days of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack based on foods you may or may not have or want to eat.

Instead, when you give it more context, it can help you create exactly what you’re looking for.

“I have chicken breast, salmon, and ground beef in the freezer and eggs in the fridge. I also have lots of veggies and a full dry pantry. Please give me a five-day dinner plan with Mediterranean-inspired, kid-friendly meals I can make in 30 minutes or less.”

The prompt above leads to five meal ideas, complete with ingredients and a recipe, which is much easier to use. You can use the same principles in your marketing.

5. Give helpful feedback.

If ChatGPT delivers a hot load of garbage, don’t say, “Nope, that’s not it. Try again.”

Give it the same context and type of feedback that you’d share with someone on your team. “The idea is right on, but your tone is far too formal. Try again, cutting the number of words in half and keeping things more casual yet professional.”

You can also say something like, “This completely misses the mark. I think we need to focus on ____ outcome instead.” Or you might say, “Let’s try that again. Can you give me a version that

Or if it’s spot on, say, “That’s spot on. I really like the tone, cadence, message, etc. Let’s keep going.”

6. Don’t trust it farther than you can throw it.

Because ChatGPT is designed to sound human, it often creates language that sounds good or seems logical or reasonable. The only problem? That means ChatGPT is also notorious for making up facts and statistics, so always double- or triple-check anything it spits out.

9 Statistics About AI and Marketing

Generative AI may be the new kid on the marketing block, but since GPT-4 dropped in March 2023, I’ve seen huge changes in how marketers use AI to improve and streamline productivity. And, based on HubSpot’s recent State of AI report, most marketers seem to agree.

35% of marketers report using AI-driven tools in their day-to-day roles.
90% believe that AI makes it easier to spend less time on manual tasks, with 88% agreeing that AI frees them up to focus on the most important parts of their roles.
77% believe that AI helps pull insights from data that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to find.
68% believe that people should use AI and automation but avoid becoming overly reliant on it.
Across the board, people say that AI and automation saves them 1 hour and 49 minutes every day.
The number 1 benefit marketers see in AI and automation is that it makes them more effective in their jobs. Increased productivity and less time on manual tasks make up numbers 2 and 3, respectively.
89% of all marketers who use generative AI consider it effective for content creation.
97% of all marketers who use generative AI consider it effective for data analysis.
The two most effective strategies for prompting generative AI are experimenting with different prompts to see what works best for your specific use case (#1) and providing relevant context or background information in your prompt (#2).

25 ChatGPT Prompts for Business

“What are the top trends in [your industry] for 2023?”
“What are the most important metrics to measure the success of our business?”
“List ways to reduce cost and increase profitability.”
“How can we use social media to increase brand awareness?”
“How can we improve search engine optimization for our business?”
“How can we improve our customer service experience?”
“What are some ways we can boost productivity and employee engagement?”
“What are the best tools for budgeting?”
“How can A/B testing improve our website’s performance?”
“How can we use automation to simplify our marketing and sales tactics?”
“List the ways we can use a webinar to increase brand awareness and leads.”
“What are the best practices for creating a strong company culture?”
“Generate ways to use virtual tours to showcase products and services.”
“List the benefits of using a digital asset management tool to organize and share company assets.”
“List the benefits of using a customer journey mapping tool to improve the customer experience.”
“Generate different ways to use augmented reality to enhance our [product or service].”
“How can blockchain technology improve business processes and boost security?”
“List the different ways we can implement a customer loyalty program to increase sales and retain customers.”
“How can we use customer testimonials to boost our brand’s trust and credibility?”
“What are some customer onboarding best practices?”
“What are some employee onboarding best practices?”
“What are common mistakes start-up companies often make?”
“How can I boost employee retention?”
“What are best practices in maintaining high morale within your organization?”
“What are best practices for start-up businesses?”

27 ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation and Social Media

“Write an 800-word blog post about [subject], and include the following keywords in the headline, subheading, and body paragraphs.” Then, list the keywords you want ChatGPT to include.
“Write a list of blog titles that include statistics on [topic].”
“Write a YouTube video script about [product, blog, company, etc.].”
“Write a 100-word Instagram caption about [topic] in an informative and friendly tone and include relevant hashtags.”
“Write 10 YouTube headlines about [topic] and include the words [keywords].”
“Generate a Twitter thread about [topic].”
“Analyze this blog post for plagiarism.”
“Check this blog post for spelling and grammar mistakes.”
“Generate five ideas for YouTube videos about [topic, industry, company, service, product, etc.].”
“Create a script for a web series that educates viewers about [topic].”
“Write a script for an hour-long podcast episode about [topic].”
“Write an engaging script for a virtual product launch.”
Generate a simple, high-quality image for social media for a [type] company. The goal of the image must be to acquire new customers.”
“Translate the following company into [language]: [copy].”
“Write an outline for a blog post about [topic]. Include the keywords [keywords] in the headline and subheadings.”
“Build a reader persona for [page description].”
“Make the following copy more creative: [copy].”
“Simply the following copy to make it easy for Grade 3 children to read.”
“Rephrase the following copy.”
“Write an engaging video script about [topic].”
“What are YouTube marketing best practices?”
“What are common mistakes marketers make in content creation?
“What are best practices when marketing on Instagram?”
“How can companies find influencers to collaborate with?”
“What are the benefits of influencer marketing?
“List five ways to generate leads from YouTube.”
“List ways to convince customers to buy a product via Instagram.”

9 ChatGPT Prompts for Analytics

“What are the most important KPIs for [industry].”
“Write a SWOT analysis for our website traffic.”
“What is a good bounce rate for our website?”
“How do we boost leads on our website?”
“What are the best website analytics tools?”
“How can I track my company’s analytics on social media?”
“How did I determine which channel generates the most web traffic for my brand?”
“What social media platform generates the most leads?”
“How can I optimize my website to rank higher in SERPs?


25 ChatGPT Prompts for Email Campaigns

“Generate [number] subject lines for an email campaign about [product or service.].”
“Write [number] holiday-themed subject lines about clothes shopping.”
“What are the best subject lines to increase open rates?”
“What are best practices for writing an engaging email subject line?”
“Write 10 post-purchase email subject lines for [company].”
“Write the body copy for a promotional email campaign about [company] spring sale. Write in an upbeat and friendly tone.”
“Write a follow-up email for [your brand] with the subject line: [your subject line].”
“Write an outline for a weekly email newsletter from [brand] to [target audience]. Include an intro, main point, conclusion, and call-to-action in the outline.”
“What are best practices for writing engaging email copy for a marketing campaign?”
“List five topics I should write about in my next email newsletter.”
“How can I avoid my emails being marked as spam?”
“How can I improve my sender reputation?”
“How can I ensure my emails are easy to read and navigate on mobile devices?”
“How can I make my emails load faster on mobile devices?”
“How should I format my images and media to load properly on mobile devices?”
“List the most common reasons emails are not delivered to the inbox.”
“List the best practices for optimizing an email for mobile devices.”
“What are the most common reasons customers unsubscribe from email lists?”
“What are some of the best tools to manage marketing email lists?”
“How can I boost email subscribers?”
“How can I get off the email blacklist?”
“How can I improve my business’ email list?”
“What factors can decrease email open rates?”
“What factors can boost email open rates?
“List the top five email marketing tools.”

25 ChatGPT Prompts for Resume

“Write a summary showcasing my skills and experiences relevant to a Social Media Manager role.”
“Generate a summary highlighting my past achievements.”
“Craft summary demonstrating my ability to [skill.”
“Generate five bullet points highlighting achievements in [field].”
“Create bullet points about my most recent [job title] role highlighting my achievements.”
“Generate bullet points showcasing my ability to [skill.]”
“How can I make my resume stand out against other candidates?”
“What are common mistakes job seekers make on their resumes?”
“What are some resume best practices to improve my job search?”
“What are common formatting mistakes I should avoid in my resume?”
“Copyedit my resume for any spelling or grammatical errors.”
“What are some [industry] resume best practices?”
“What resume design tools can I use to make my resume stand out?”
“Review my resume and suggest improvement and edits.”
“What are the most important keywords for applicant tracking systems to include in my resume.”
“How can I make my resume more concise?”
“What should I include on my resume if I’m applying in [specific industry].”
“How do I tailor my resume to specific job postings?”
“How can I make my resume more visually appealing?”
“How can I make my resume more visually appealing?”
“How can I get my resume directly to the hiring manager?”
“How soon after submitting my resume should I follow up on a job posting?”
“What should I include on a marketing resume?”
“Based on this job description, what words should I include in my resume?”
“How do I condense my [number] years of experience into a one-page resume?”

11 ChatGPT Prompts for Ecommerce

“Write a description for a [product type] and include [product attributes] and [keywords].”
“Generate a list of 20 audience demographics that would benefit from a [product or service].”
“Think like an ecommerce expert and write 10 frequently asked questions for [your website name and URL.”
“Think like an ecommerce SEO expert and write a meta tile for [your brand name] in the [inser industry] industry.”
“Behave like an ecommerce SEO expert and write a meta tile for [ product name] from the [industry name] industry.”
“Write a title page for [ecommerce website URL] and include [keywords].”
“Write a meta description for [ecommerce website URL].”
“Craft informative content for our ecommerce About Us page.”
“Act as an ecommerce expert and craft a product collection description for the [product] from [brand].”
“Act as an ecommerce merchandising specialist and draft a product title for [product] from [brand].”
“Create an ecommerce campaign for [product, brand, or service].”

23 ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Service

“What’s the best way to reach out to potential customers?”
“Generate a list of ways to improve customer service?”
“Create a template for an email response to customers inquiring about [product].”
“Write a customer service email that addresses the following pain point.”
“Generate five helpful suggestions for customers struggling with using [product].”
“What are the most frequently asked questions about our [product, service, company, brand]?”
“Generate a list of common issues customers have with [product name] and provide solutions for them.”
“Write four personalized messages for customers asking about our [product] in a friendly tone.”
“Generate 10 chatbot prompts related to our [product].”
“Create a help page that explains how to use [product].”
“List 10 phrases customer service agents can use to show empathy.”
“Provide a template to explain standard retail return policy.”
“Rewrite this paragraph to sound more friendly: [paragraph].”
“Chat as if you’re a customer who can’t log into their account.”
“Summarize the following knowledge base article to give step-by-step instructions.”
“Write five questions for a customer experience survey.”
“List the qualities of good customer service.”
“What are customer service mistakes companies often make?”
“How can I streamline the customer service process without losing customers?”
“What’s a friendly way to respond to this message from a customer?”
“Act as a customer service representative and answer the following question: [question].”
“List five different ways a chatbot can greet customers.”
“List five ways a chatbot can say goodbye to a customer.”

20 ChatGPT Prompts for Sales

“What are cross-selling opportunities available for my [type] business?”
“What are some creative ways to generate leads?”
“Create a personalized sale email for potential customers. Include [topic, brand name, promo offers, etc.].”
“What product customization would you recommend for this customer?” Include customer details in the prompt.”
“List 10 keywords people might use when searching for our [product].”
“Create five persuasive points to encourage customers to buy our [product].”
“List three compelling reasons our customers should buy [product or service].”
“List [number] personal branding types I can use for social selling.”
“What kind of content categories and topics can I create for social selling on Instagram?”
“Write a sales landing page description for [product].”
“Write a cold email to a prospective customer introducing my [company or organization] and how it can benefit them using [selling points].”
“Write a sales pitch about [product].”
“Act as a salesperson and market [product or service] to me.”
“Act as a salesperson and answer this question about [product or service].”
“Write the text for a social media ad highlighting the [product or service]. Highlight paint-point-specific questions.”
“Generate five buyer personas I should include in my cold outreach.”
“List five personal branding archetypes I could use for social selling on LinkedIn.”
“Generate a script to use when cold-calling start-up founders in my area.”
“Craft an answer to this sales question.”
“What questions should I ask potential buyers to uncover pain points and priorities to decide if they are a sales-qualified lead for my product?”

Using ChatGPT in Marketing

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT have the power to change everything about the way we market. I’ve already seen huge time savings when it comes to analyzing transcript and brainstorming.

And, I suspect we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

However, a word of caution: ChatGPT has a ton of potential as a tool, but it’s still just a tool, which means you have to know how to use it. That’s why we’ve provided this article.

When you use the prompts here, you’ll have a leg up when it comes to knowing how to create a prompt to build out marketing campaigns, answer pressing sales questions, and free up time so you can focus on the more creative aspects of marketing.

Now that you know the prompts, it’s your turn. Time to dive in and experiment with ChatGPT to see how it fits into your marketing processes.

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