16 Local Search Developments You Need to Know About From Q4 2023
Learn about the most recent local search developments of 2023 to get ready for the year ahead.
Learn about the most recent local search developments of 2023 to get ready for the year ahead.
ChatGPT and Google Bard have entered the chat. You’re missing the party if you haven’t joined the conversation around artificial intelligence (AI) in digital marketing. Perhaps you’re exploring AI on your own, or your boss asked you to report back on ways to implement AI in your work (welp!). Whatever your motivation, I’m here to…
Work on climate problems is actually about efficiency. It’s easier and cheaper to avoid sloppiness and side effects than it is to clean the mess up later. And energy sources that don’t burn become cheaper over time. The investment in getting started pays off in cost, health and organizational efficiency. Organizing for empathy can be…
Developing content requires you to think about the audience. You use demographic data. But have you considered the personality of your audience? Exploring personality types can enhance your marketing strategy. Post Views: 133
I’m listening more than reading these days, and I find that a good audiobook can make a real impact on the way I absorb and learn from a book. It’s a once in a century sort of shift in this medium. My new book is now available in audio. It’s not on Audible, at least…
Ok, this has to be one of the most meta projects I’ve worked on: a piece of digital content about digital content — but, hey, it’s an important one. From toddlers to senior citizens, everyone today wields a mobile device. So much of our lives are spent staring at screens that very few can say…
At first, this stop sign sign makes a lot of sense: Lives are at stake. Break the rhythm, turn something ignored into something noticed. The challenge with “highlighting” is that it fades. When everything is in all caps, nothing is. Exclamation points are like salt. When people are commanded to pay attention, it’s worth reminding…