Two chicken jokes

“Why did the chicken cross the road” tells us a bit about jokes. It’s a joke about jokes. The first half is a setup, reminding us that an absurd question creates tension, which is then relieved by the punchline. But the second half undoes this by refusing to release the tension. “To get to the…

Niching up

Along the way, folks have talked about “niching down” as a way to help a project find focus. But that’s backward. When we identify and embrace the smallest viable audience, we’re moving up. Up the quality hierarchy. Up in responsibility. Up in the likelihood that we’ll make an impact. To niche up, identify the smallest…

How to Write a Press Release [Free Press Release Template + 2024 Examples]

In today‘s world, brands have to generate their own buzz. Consumers aren’t waiting for the daily newspaper anymore to get their news. Instead, they’re scanning the latest headlines across multiple social media channels at once. One way to control the narrative surrounding your brand is through press releases. Whether it’s sharing a new product release…