“I don’t learn that way”

If you’re sitting on the dock, watching the swim class without getting wet, it’s more accurate to say, “I’m just watching.” There are plenty of theories on how different people learn. Online, we’re in the middle of the biggest learning experiment in history, with countless videos, podcasts and interactive courses teaching just about anything. In…

Millennials vs. Gen Z: Why Marketers Need to Know the Difference [New Data]

Regarding millennials vs. Gen Z, the two generations have a lot in common to the point many brands will lump them together into the same audience, thinking they can appeal to both.  Don’t make this mistake. Gen Z and Millennials share some things but are still two completely different demographics. Don’t believe me? Well, here’s…

What Most Brands Miss With User Testing (That Costs Them Conversions)

I’m an inclusive marketing consultant and the founder of Thompson Media Group. A former client of mine recently forwarded me an email he’d received from a market insights company he’s subscribed to. The insights the company had included in this particular email was about “The Top 5 Ranked TV Sitcoms in U.S. History” according to…