“Not your best ever”
In order to have a best ever, hearing this is part of the deal. Each thing is not going to top everything that came before it. Progress is rarely smooth.
In order to have a best ever, hearing this is part of the deal. Each thing is not going to top everything that came before it. Progress is rarely smooth.
There are two easy ways to tell: First, if you have a script or a highlighted goal in mind, you’re pitching. You’re simply asking questions to create connection, tension or forward motion. Second, if you’re willing to learn and change your point of view as a result of the conversation, you’re asking. That’s rare. People…
I’m usually pretty irritated when I’m watching something and a pop-up blocks my view. I try to hit that x like I’m playing whack-a-mole. But when I’m scrolling through social media and see something that tells a story or makes me laugh, I’ll stop and watch no matter who posted the content — a person…
Remember the first time you noticed Google’s logo change into an entertaining piece of craftsmanship? For me, it was back in my awkward middle school days. My friends and I thought it was quirky, cute, and pretty darn amusing. Each day, the plot thickened as the next phase of the story unfolded (edge-of-your-seat stuff, I…
It’s possible that your day will be more enjoyable if you are insulated from the market. If you have a boss who has a boss… If you don’t have to review the sales numbers for the products you created or edited… If you have raised a ton of venture investment… If you are embracing the…
In this Whiteboard Friday, Tom touches on four particular insights gleaned from the recent Google documentation leak.
Generally speaking, low-competition keywords are search terms where you likely don’t need many backlinks to rank on the first page of Google (backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors). By focusing on these less competitive terms, you can… Read more ›
For instance, here’s a popular SEO guarantee: And another possibly too-good-to-be-true guarantee: Not to mention this oh-so-safe and completely risk-free guarantee offering a “huge amount” of “naturel” backlinks 🙄 Sarcasm aside, I get it. As a business owner, guarantees like… Read more ›
But do these benefits come at the risk of a Google penalty? It depends… Parasite SEO is where you leverage the authority of an established website to rank for competitive keywords. You do this by publishing content on the high-authority… Read more ›
Whether you’re delivering a huge presentation or hosting a webinar, a touch of humor works like a charm to delight your audience. Plus, a joke here and there can convey a fun and creative company culture. I always use marketing jokes as an ice-breaker to start a conversation in a group or keep things breezy…