Diving Deep Into Marketing in Financial Services (My Takeaways)

🔥 FLAMING HOT TAKE ALERT: Marketing can drive business goals, but it can’t save a bad product. One financial company that understands this well is Wise, an international money transfer service I use. According to Nilan Peiris, Chief Product Officer at Wise, the company aimed to build a product that “blows user’s socks off.” That…

As slow as possible

A six-hundred-year-long organ recital is going on, and today marks a change in notes. If you miss it, the next one is in two years. We’re used to the rapid increase in speed in just about everything around us. Absolutely positively overnight is mostly too slow for many industries now. It takes discipline, then, to…

Two chicken jokes

“Why did the chicken cross the road” tells us a bit about jokes. It’s a joke about jokes. The first half is a setup, reminding us that an absurd question creates tension, which is then relieved by the punchline. But the second half undoes this by refusing to release the tension. “To get to the…

Niching up

Along the way, folks have talked about “niching down” as a way to help a project find focus. But that’s backward. When we identify and embrace the smallest viable audience, we’re moving up. Up the quality hierarchy. Up in responsibility. Up in the likelihood that we’ll make an impact. To niche up, identify the smallest…