Unlocking Hidden Revenue: The Inbox Retargeting Methodology

Unlocking Hidden Revenue: The Inbox Retargeting Methodology

Page conversion rates have ALWAYS been a problem. The simple fact is most people don’t convert even on the most optimized pages.  What’s why traditional retargeting on ad networks has been so dang powerful. While retargeted leads come cheap, they still aren’t free. Worse, you’re back competing against your competition in the ol’ ad auction…

11 Social Media Trends Marketers Should Watch in 2024 [New Data]

The constant question on every social media marketer’s mind is, “What social media trends should I watch out for?” To learn more about what brands can expect this year and beyond, we surveyed 1,528 marketers to discover which social media trends B2B and B2C businesses are paying attention to. In addition to reviewing the research,…

The 7 Types of Social Media and Pros & Cons of Each (Research)

When it comes to social media, I‘m quite the expert. I had to tireless scrub through social media for potential stories back when I was a journalist. Now, I’m HubSpot‘s go-to blogger for almost anything social media-related, so I’m always keeping up with the latest online happenings. Plus, I‘m a younger millennial who grew up…

How to Give Productive Feedback, According to HubSpot Managers & Editors

Have you ever been in a situation where one piece of feedback changed your life? I have! For years, I worked as a full-time employee at startups and tech companies. Then, one day, my boss discovered I did a few content marketing side gigs after hours (which wasn’t a secret). Initially, they were worried and…

Willfully uninformed

Access to information used to be scarce. We ranked college libraries on how many books they had, and time at the microfilm reader was booked in advance. Today, if there’s something I don’t know, it’s almost certainly because I haven’t cared enough to find out. I don’t understand molecular biology, the history of Sardinia or…

In search of incompetence

Learning is about becoming incompetent on our way to getting better. If you’re not open to the tension that is caused by knowing you could do better, it’s unlikely you’re willing to do the work to get better. As you’re doing that work, there’s the satisfaction it brings, but also the knowledge that just a…