A transformative summer

Living indoors, connected to a screen, it’s easy for the months and years to blur together. The seasons used to matter more. But for young adults, they still do. Transitions are built around the seasons, and the headlong rush to a career is still sometimes interrupted by months where there’s a chance to reset and…

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 3 Marketing Job Inquiry Emails — Here’s What I Got

As a full-time freelancer, I’ve sent out hundreds of job inquiry emails. While I also reply to freelance role ads, I know first-hand that you can win some of the best projects by being proactive and running outreach. In fact, that’s how I started cooperating with some of the world’s most renowned brands. Just because…

And it can also do that

If you were around when the Model T was first announced, you could have built the organizations that became Disney, McDonald’s and Holiday Inn, all of which were powered by cheap, plentiful cars. You could have become a major developer of suburbs, mortgage banking and even pop music record labels (car radios changed the way…

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 5 Different Farewell Emails to Send to My Coworkers — Here’s What I Got

Goodbyes are hard. And it’s even more challenging when you must say goodbye through email. Recently, I left my full-time teaching position to pursue a writing career. Sending a farewell email to my close colleagues, unaware of my decision to transition to a new job, was bittersweet. I preferred to say goodbye in person, but…