Don’t rush

…but hurry. The words matter. Rushing has a built-in excuse. Rushing pushes us to skip steps or ship junk. But hurrying acknowledges how precious this moment in time is. It honors our good fortune to be in this place, able to contribute something generous.

Beyond CRM

Many marketers spend time with their CRM systems. Expensive cloud-based tools that automate Customer Relationship Management. Maybe customers don’t want to be managed. They probably don’t. It might be more useful to think of our most important work as customer relationship leadership. CRL is voluntary. It’s done with customers and for them, not to them….

The other choices

The intentional, noticed choices are obvious. “Vanilla or chocolate?” But most of the choices we live with are unseen. They’re expensive, challenging and invisible. When we plan an event with an outdoor component, we’re choosing to be anxious about the weather in the week leading up to the big day. When we buy something with…

Audio AI: How AI Is Changing Podcasts, Audiobooks & More

Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. We are undeniably in the golden age of audio content. But what’s even more interesting is that we’re also in the early days of AI-generated audio content. AI-generated podcasts, AI-transcribed audiobooks, and AI-generated music…

Comfort and convenience

For the last thirty years, the easiest shortcut has been convenience. If a marketer or a politician or an institution wants to gain acceptance, make it convenient. Tim Wu has pointed out that we’ll trade almost anything to save a few moments of hassle or thought. But that doesn’t mean we’ve been spending our time…