Gen Z Buying Habits: What Gen Z Spends On & Why Marketers Need to Care

With a purchasing power of more than $450 billion in the United States alone, Gen Z’s buying habits are shaking up the global retail landscape. And honestly, it’s no surprise looking at my younger cousins, nieces, and nephews. Although many Gen Zers are still coming of age — earning their first allowances and paychecks, entering…

Return to Office? How Employees Are Feeling in 2024 [Data from 700+ Consumers]

I saw a pretty compelling statistic recently: Before the pandemic, just 8% of companies offered flexible work policies. After the fact, nearly two thirds (62%) have implemented some level of flex work. Fast forward to today, and many companies (like Tesla and Goldman Sachs) have asked workers to return to office full-time. I always assumed…

Writing the Ultimate One-Pager About Your Business: 8 Examples and How to Make One [+ Free Template]

Whether you’re a business owner or a sales rep, you’re always pitching your services, telling potential clients what you offer as succinctly as possible. Trust me, I’ve been there myself, trying to sum up my copywriting business in as few words as I can. That’s where the business one-pager has come to my rescue. I’ve…

I was wrong about sun tea

The story is a good one: put some tea bags in a mason jar filled with fresh, cold water. Put it in the sun. Four hours later, smooth and delicious tea is waiting for you. The photons from the sun go through the clear glass and the water, strike the leaves and transfer radiant energy…


If a jacket is made by Patagonia or a piece of hardware is made by Teenage Engineering, you can probably tell who made it the first time you see it, even without a logo. A painting by Sonia Delaunay doesn’t need to be signed to know who it’s by. On the other hand, AppleTV streams…

Semantic algebra

Doing math problems in your head is a skill. No one is born knowing the answer to, “You have 35 coins in nickels and quarters. They add up to $4.15. How many quarters do you have?” but we can learn. And some people find it easier than others, but yes, we can learn. The same…