General Cover Letter: 15 Cover Letter Templates to Perfect Your Next Job Application

Are cover letters necessary? I’m not in HR, but I’ve been approached by applicants who wondered whether their cover letter would actually be read. My answer isn’t very popular: “Sometimes.” Sometimes it will be read. Other times, you can get away with just sending in your resume — like when you network your way into…

40 Free Resume Templates for Microsoft Word (& How to Make Your Own)

No matter what industry you work in (or your experience level in that industry), a plain, black-and-white resume written in Times New Roman font just doesn’t quite cut it anymore. But just because resumes have gotten more creative doesn’t mean you need special design software to make your application stand out — some of the…

The blank page

Sometimes, we’re so afraid of creation that we don’t even leave blank pages around. If your workspace has a hole exactly the size of a creative idea in it, you’re more likely to fill the hole. When we decrease the number of steps to begin creating, and increase the expectation that something is going to…

How to Build an Inclusive SEO Strategy That Attracts and Converts More Customers

Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. I’m an inclusive marketing consultant and the founder of Thompson Media Group. I also follow a gluten-free diet for health reasons. When I go to a restaurant’s website, I’m wondering, does their menu work…

How HubSpot’s Social Team Grew Their LinkedIn Presence by 84% in Six Months, According to HubSpot’s Director of Social

Welcome to HubSpot’s Expert Edge Series, where we interview top execs at major brands to explore their perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the industry. Over the past few months, you might’ve noticed a shift in HubSpot’s social strategy. The more traditional B2B posts have given way for a social media presence that…

What is an editorial calendar? Your Guide to Editorial Calendars [Examples + Templates]

If you’re anything like me, you’re consistently working out of at least 20 browser tabs, four journals, a yellow legal pad or two, and myriad Post-it notes stuck around your computer monitor. To the average director, it’s nothing short of chaos, but to the regular blogger—it’s evidence of a (desperate) need for an editorial calendar….