Valuable contributions

We actually don’t really know. Netflix just released their first-ever detailed analysis of how many hours of engagement the top 15,000+ most watched shows on the network received over a six month period. Here’s the file. Who won? That question is actually the lesson here. The fact is, most organizations are pretty clueless about where…

Influencer-Founded Food and Beverage Brands: Are They Good Business?

I’m writing this while sipping coffee made by Emma Chamberlain’s French press. The 22-year-old YouTuber is not only Gen Z’s favorite influencer, but also a big-time entrepreneur. Her coffee brand, launched in 2020, took off among young coffee lovers (and even tempted me, a not-so-young coffee lover). It got me thinking: Has food and beverage become…

Navigating the AI Revolution: 7 Essential Insights for Marketers in 2024 [Expert Opinions]

From weekly stand-ups to spammy emails, chatter about artificial intelligence (AI) has saturated the marketing space over the last year. With all the information out there, it can be difficult to even know how to understand and implement AI. In my role on the AI Marketing Solutions (AIMS) team at HubSpot, I’ve seen first-hand how…

The Surprising Metric that Matters Most for SERP Rankings in 2023 (Hint: It’s Not Authoritativeness)

Google uses 200+ ranking factors when determining the search results. How do you ensure that your website gets more visibility and, thus, higher SERP positions? What is the ultimate metric that can make or break the rankings? Is it the domain authority, content quality, page speed, or mobile readiness? While many SEOs will argue that…

21 Royalty-Free Music Sites to Help You Make the Perfect Video Soundtrack

In video marketing, choosing the right soundtrack can be the difference between a video that grips your audience from start to finish and one that they can barely get halfway through. Not just any music will do, and knowing where to find the best royalty-free music sites is helpful. Play a fitting soundtrack or jingle…

65 Examples of Corporate Business Babble — and What to Say Instead

Business jargon has long dominated corporate conversations, complicating straightforward discussions. My colleague Shannon and I tackled this issue a few years back by creating Business Babble Bingo—a playful yet enlightening game. This game was our subtle rebellion against the meaningless buzzwords dominating meetings, presentations, and websites. But despite the time elapsed, the problem of business…