How to Run Facebook Ads: Step-by-Step Guide to Advertising on Facebook

Facebook marketing has become a staple for social media marketers over the last few years, and the credit goes to its massive user base. With over 3.06 billion users worldwide, 89% of businesses run Facebook ads as their primary advertising method. But, running your Facebook ads is a tough nut to crack. With soaring competition…

Generosity and fear

Fear is self-focused. Day to day, our fear is about us. What will happen if we give that speech, launch that project, get stuck in traffic, are eaten by an alligator… And generosity is about others. “How can I help?” Jumping in the water to save a struggling swimmer stops us from worrying about how…

Marketing Budget: How Much Should Your Team Spend in 2024? [By Industry]

Our most recent State of Marketing Report tells us that marketers are pretty confident when deciding where to invest their budget in 2024. We’re looking at 57% who feel somewhat confident, and 26% who are very confident their budget plans will maximize ROI for their business. I want you to feel confident in your spending…