30 Google Business Profile Photos Your Local Business Can Easily Take — Illustrated
Uncover 30 different types of images your local business can use online to demonstrate E-E-A-T to both Google and potential customers.
Uncover 30 different types of images your local business can use online to demonstrate E-E-A-T to both Google and potential customers.
Using social media icons for email signatures is a simple yet effective way to make it easy for your recipients to find and connect with your brand on social media. To help you do that, I share the easiest ways to add social media icons to your email signature, plus offer a few free resources…
When you visit the App Store or Google Play and search “social media,” there are hundreds of apps to choose from. But, as the pool of social platforms grows, will any of them really change the game for marketers this year? In our Social Media Trends Survey, we asked 1,000+ social media marketers about the…
The thunderstorm doesn’t know we exist. Rain dances and wishes are ineffective at bringing or preventing a storm, because it isn’t caused by our actions. Metaphorical weather is tempting to mistake as a response. When someone cuts us off in traffic or doesn’t engage with us the way we might hope for, it’s easy to…
As a copywriting tactic, the postscript (P.S.) has made its way from standard direct mail copy to email marketing copy. With the right approach, all companies need is two paragraphs, a few links, and a P.S. to effectively communicate their message, create urgency, and drive conversions. What is a P.S. in email? The P.S. is…
If your content marketing generated $10,000 in sales and cost $2,000 to create, that’s an ROI of 400%: Although the math is simple, actually doing this exercise in real life is tricky, for a few reasons. The most important: it’s… Read more › Post Views: 53
Looking to enhance your SEO agency’s performance? Find out how focusing on employee well-being leads to greater ROI and success. Post Views: 66